Kolor Run
In 2018, the yearbook staff decided to host the Kolor Run. To organize this event, we had to plan for a couple months. A leadership role I took on for this was being in charge of a kolor station.

Team bonding
Every year the marketing team hosts a picnic for the new staff. I have attended every year and have been a leader to try to help the younger students. I usually volunteer to drive the staffers around.
Selling Sponsorships
To raise money for our book, we sell sponsorships to the businesses near us. I have sold to Union 598 and Dover Doors every year.

Chicago Elite Them Development Jostens Journalism workshop
I have been to the Chicago workshop 2 times. The time I had there helped us as a team, but also improved our skills for the book.
I learned how to write an opening copy, but also was taught many new ideas for copy deadline methods.
We use the app GroupMe to talk with the staff about the yearbook. When someone has an issue that they need help with, they pop the message in the group chat and we can all communicate to see what we can do to help.

These are examples of how I have learned how to use Indesign and Photoshop.
By attaining these skills, this made me able to help staffers when they need help with editing their pictures.
We also have supervising editors. These are people that are in charge of spreads and in charge of the staffers on the spreads. I have been supervising editor several times, therefore with my knowledge of Indesign, I can input the spreads with no problems.

This is what our Trello Board looks like. You can add names to each spread which helps me be a leader. I can add myself to each spread, therefore the staffers know I am willing to help them because I am technically on the spread.