Action Sports Event
This was taken at a JV football game. With clear skies, the lighting seemed very clear.
In the middle of the winter, I decided to take this around 5;00 p.m. for that golden hour look.
Lighting Challenge
In the store Michaels, I positioned my subject in the decorative flowers to have a pink glow.
Taken at a JV football game in the fall around 6;00 p.m.
My first year of yearbook introduced me to photography. I started with zero knowledge on how to take a professional photo, and now I have skills that I am proud of. I have struggled a lot with photography, but my range of action to studio is now very diverse, in my opinion.

Downtown Flint around 8;00 p.m. gave a civil lighting mood.

This candid moment was taken at an assembly.
Sporting Event

This is an example of a photo I had to use the flash with. This photo was made to be more dramatic so we wanted a darker tone.

Shutter Speed
This is showing how I had to control my subject by adjusting my shutter speed.